

Here are the most frequently asked questions.

Can my family access the BHAP Program?2022-06-28T14:37:25-04:00

Coral Springs fully embodies a family mentality. After all, their mission is to be the premier community in which to live, work, and raise a family. Concurrently, all mental wellness resources offered by the city are available for employees and their dependents. Family members are encouraged to participate in forums, discussions, and training, and utilize the support options offered through the BHAP program, including contact with clinicians or health and safety representatives.

How do I find a counseling provider?2022-08-01T15:26:47-04:00

(Information coming soon)

Who will know that I am seeking help?2022-06-28T14:35:16-04:00

Only the people you tell. All city staff has been trained to maintain 100% confidentiality. Together you will decide who needs to know how much information will be shared and when, if at all.

How do I become a Peer Supporter?2022-08-01T15:26:16-04:00

Peer supporters are recommended by their peers. If you are interested in becoming a peer supporter (Information coming soon).

What if I’m unhappy with my existing counselor?2022-06-28T14:34:50-04:00

Counselors or clinicians can be changed at any time, there is no obligation or contract for therapy services.

If you are experiencing an emergency and need immediate help, please dial 9-1-1.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, dial 9-8-8 to be connected to the 988 Lifeline.

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